Tuesday, January 14, 2020

14 days into the new year...

14 days.

Two weeks.

It seems like so much longer!

I just made a Sephora purchase using a giftcard. I bought a face primer and an eye primer (it was $5 on sale, Sephora brand).For $50 total.

I've definitely been feeling a mild desire for new products. But it's strange because I definitely do not want to add to my current "stash" if you will. I wish I could alter it. I wish I could swap some products out for others.

But alas, I will have to make do with what I have.

My makeup style has been very low key lately.

And I find myself going light on the base products (foundation, concealer) because I have so little compared to what I'm used to having.

I know I won't run out anytime soon, but there's that little bit of fear.

Money is tight. I'd rather not have to buy anything if I don't need to. But making products last... Stretching their use... That goes completely against the panning I've done in the past.

And those habits are still hard to break!

I've been trying to distract myself by coming up with new YouTube content, but even that can sometimes be a struggle. I don't know where I belong within the "beauty community" world, or if I even belong at all.

Is there room for somebody on a perpetual no buy?